Why Not To Homeschool In Florida

Homeschooling is becoming more and more popular all over the U.S.A., and especially in Florida. Why?

The socialization that is happening at more and more schools, in more and more classrooms, is a huge reason why home education is growing by leaps and bounds. We don’t want our children bullied, even by the teachers. Stressing a child and pressuring them, especially insulting and intimidating them, to “make the grade,” pass “the test,” is verbal bullying, and abuse in many cases. We don’t want our children trained, or even allowed, to be brats. It’s happening in many schools and many classrooms.

Many classes move and progress just as fast as the slowest students, or group of students, in that class. When classes are divided into different groups, or students are sent out of the classroom to work with others students in other classes, the children quickly figure out whether the students are being grouped with “higher” or “lower” level students, and are thus teased “appropriately.” It is impossible to avoid, or prevent any of the various “stigmas” and “Labels” given to students in the school setting. Whether you consider the group, or label that goes along with the group, to be a “positive” label (high level) or not, there are always some negative results from stigmas and labels given to students in groups – “class rankings,” etc. It seems to fascilitate, and probably even promote “class warfare.”

“Teachers” have a tendency to choose their “favorites.” It is not really a new phenomena. The “teacher’s pets” have always been around. I was a “privileged student” for a couple of years in elementary school because my mother was a teacher at the school I attended. Along with the privileges of being the runner of the note to the office, or the runner of the film projector, I never got away with any shinanigans either. I was always held to a higher standard because my parents were teachers.

Now, it is more like the teachers pay attention to their “high scoring” students, and teach to them, and even depend on them to “teach” the “slower” students. I am seeing this more and parents are reporting this more. Their child’s needs are not being met by the teacher personally.

{email, or call me anytime, for evaluations done easily, quickly and very economically ($25) I am a FL Dept. of Education certified teacher – exp. date: 6/30/16: CCTucker7@ gmail .com -no spaces of course – OR call: 904-272-7245 / 786-525-3545 C.C. Tucker}

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