Dual Enrollment for Summer or Fall 2017: Everything You Need to Know

One of the perks of being home educated is having access to college courses which count for high school AND college credit. In Florida, these courses are FREE for homeschooled students that are registered with the county.

Dual enrollment offers many benefits for homeschoolers, besides the most obvious advantage of earning free college credit and jump starting your education. Some parents choose dual enrollment to advance their children’s studies in math and science, others use dual enrollment to complete basic requirements such as English classes, foreign language, statistics, business classes, etc. Students can take classes in person and online, depending on the college.

Essentially, to be eligible to dual enroll your student must comply with the following:

  1. Fill out an application and pay the application fee
  2. Sign the Home Education Articulation Agreement form
  3. Verify through your county school district office that you are home educated. This means that you must be registered as a homeschooled student through your county school district.
  4. Have a 3.0 unweighted GPA (via an official transcript provided by the parent)
  5. Have a passing score on the SAT, ACT, or PERT test. In some counties the CPT is also accepted. Some universities in the Florida university system only accept SAT or ACT.
The advantages of dual enrollment for homeschooled students are many.
The advantages of dual enrollment for homeschooled students are many.

If you are planning dual enrollment for summer or fall 2017, now is the time to apply. Below, we have compiled all the pertinent information for all the Florida state colleges that allow dual enrolled students to take college level courses for FREE. Where available, we have included the deadlines for registration and direct links to the dual enrollment information for each college.


Florida Community and State Colleges (In alphabetical order)

Please note: the below dates are from 2016 and have not been updated yet for 2017

Broward College

Deadline for Summer Registration: TBA

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Dual enrollment web page: http://www.broward.edu/academics/accelerated/dual/Pages/Dual-Enrollment—Homeschool-Student.aspx

Dual enrollment handbook for homeschoolers: http://www.broward.edu/academics/accelerated/dual/Documents/DualEnrollmentHomeSchoolManual.pdf

Chipola College – Jackson, Washington, Holmes, Calhoun, and Liberty Counties 

Deadline for Summer Registration: March 2

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Dual enrollment website: http://www.chipola.edu/enrollment/dualenrollment.htm

College of Central Florida – Ocala, Citrus, Hampton, Levy

Deadline for Summer Registration: April 15th

Deadline for Fall Registration: June 18th

Dual enrollment web page: http://www.cf.edu/go/admissions/admissions/dual-enrollment/index

Dual enrollment application process: http://www.cf.edu/go/admissions/admissions/dual-enrollment/de-app-process

Daytona State – Volusia County

Deadline for Summer Registration: April 2nd

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Daytona State Dual Enrollment Website: http://www.daytonastate.edu/admissions/dualenroll.html

Eastern Florida State College – Brevard County

Deadline for Summer Registration: Rolling according to session, see dates: http://www.easternflorida.edu/academics/academic-calendars/important-term-dates/summer-dates.cfm

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Attend dual enrollment orientation (mandatory): http://www.easternflorida.edu/admissions/documents/dual-enroll-orientation-schedule.pdf

Dual enrollment information sheet: http://www.easternflorida.edu/admissions/documents/home-school-guide-de.pdf

Florida Gateway College

Deadline for Summer Registration: April 29

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Florida Gateway College Dual Enrollment Info Website: https://www.fgc.edu/new-students/advising/dual-enrollment/

Homeschool Student Dual Enrollment Guide: https://www.fgc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/2015-GUIDE-Home-Education.pdf

Florida Keys Community College

Deadline for Summer Registration: May 4th

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Coordinator of Dual Enrollment : Christina Pichardo at christina.pichardo@fkccedu
FKCC Dual Enrollment Liaison : Michael McPherson at [email protected] or at (305) 809-3280.

Dual enrollment information website: http://www.fkcc.edu/current-students/dual-enrollment/

Florida Southwestern State College

Deadline for Summer Registration: May 4

Deadline for Fall Registration: August 14

Florida Southwestern State College Dual enrollment info website: http://www.fsw.edu/dualenrollment/gettingstarted

Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ) – Duval County

If your students plan to dual enroll at FSCJ this summer (2015), they must attend the following registration:

Date and Time: Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Anytime between: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
[We will not close for lunch!]
Location: Kent Campus, Building E, Room 104

Deadline for Summer Registration is May 1

Deadline for Fall Registration is August 1

For more information click here: http://www.fscj.edu/academics/college-readiness-programs/dual-enrollment/

Gulf Coast State College

Deadline for Summer Registration: May 6

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

For more information, contact the Dual Enrollment Office at 747-3207.

Information on Dual Enrollment: http://www.gulfcoast.edu/students/dual.htm

Hillsborough Community College

Deadline for Summer Registration: March 20 – April 7

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Hillsborough Community College Dual Enrollment info website: http://www.hccfl.edu/ssem/hs-articulation/dual-enrollment/steps-to-apply.aspx

Indian River State College

Deadline for Summer Registration: March 30 – May 5th

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Indian River State College Dual Enrollment Info Website: http://www.irsc.edu/programs/dualenrollment/dualenrollment.aspx?id=1588

Lake-Sumter State College

Deadline for Summer Registration: April 27 / June 15

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Summer Registration Brochure: http://www.lssc.edu/admissions/de/Documents/DE%20Summer%20Checklist%202015%20%202_23_15.pdf

Lake-Sumter State College Dual Enrollment Info Website: http://www.lssc.edu/admissions/de/Pages/default.aspx

Miami-Dade College

Deadline for Summer Registration: March 23 – May 11th see dates on calendar: http://www.mdc.edu/main/academics/academic_calendar.aspx

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Miami Dade College Dual Enrollment Website: http://www.mdc.edu/asa/dual_enrollment.asp

North Florida Community College

Deadline for Summer Registration: April 27 – May 11

Deadline for Fall Registration: July 13th through the first week of class

Super Saturday: March 7th Open House and free application day.

For information, email Mary Francis Mauldin, Dual Enrollment Coordinator [email protected] [email protected]  or call the Dual Enrollment Specialist at 850-973-9405 or the Dual Enrollment Coordinator at 850-973-1628.

Northwest Florida Community College

Deadline for Summer Registration:

Deadline for Fall Registration:

Dual Enrollment Advisor: 850-729-5205

Northwest Florida Community College Dual Enrollment info: http://www.nwfsc.edu/Students/Enrollment/Admissions/Dual/dual_files/2014/Dual_Enrollment_Orientation2014b.pdf

Palm Beach State College

Deadline for Summer Registration: March 23 – May 19/26/Jul 1 (depending on term)

Deadline for Fall Registration: April 27 – first day of class

Contact Robin Johnson, Director of Recruitment and Dual Enrollment (561) 868-3373

Palm Beach State College Dual Enrollment info website: http://www.palmbeachstate.edu/dualenroll/

Pasco-Hernando Community College

Deadline for Summer Registration: May 4 – 14

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Pasco-Hernando Community College Dual enrollment website: http://phsc.edu/explore-programs/dual-enrollment

Pensacola State College

Deadline for Summer Registration: April 7 – May 11

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Pensacola State College Dual Enrollment website: http://www.pensacolastate.edu/program_page.asp?DeptID=6897&ProgID=961

Polk State College

Deadline for Summer Registration: April 13 – May 11

Deadline for Fall Registration: June 8 – August 24

Polk State College Dual Enrollment website: http://www.polk.edu/admission-aid/dual-enrollment-early-admission/

Santa Fe College

Deadline for Summer Registration: March 30 – April 3

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Santa Fe College Dual Enrollment info website: http://www.sfcollege.edu/dualenrollment/index.php?section=application_process

Seminole State College

Deadline for Summer Registration: March 23 – May 5

Deadline for Fall Registration: TBA

Seminole State College Dual Enrollment Website: https://www.seminolestate.edu/dual-enrollment/

South Florida State College

Deadline for Summer Registration: May 7

Deadline for Fall Registration: April 24 – August 23

South Florida State College Dual Enrollment Website: http://www.southflorida.edu/future-students/dual-enrollment

Dual Enrollment Student Guide: http://main.sfsc.solodev.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2014/06/DE_Parent-Student-Guide.pdf

St Johns River State College (SJRSC) – Baker/Clay County

Deadline for Summer Registration: April 7

Deadline for Fall Registration: end of May

Dual Enrollment info: http://www.sjrstate.edu/dual.html

Powerpoint presentation about Dual Enrollment at SJRSC: http://www.sjrstate.edu/forms/deinfosession.pdf

St. Petersburg College

Deadline for Summer Registration: March 25 – May 18

Deadline for Fall Registration: 4/22 – 8/16

St. Petersburg College Dual Enrollment Website: http://www.spcollege.edu/Central/de/index.htm


State College of Florida (Manatee Community College)

Deadline for Summer Registration: June 15th

Deadline for Fall Registration: June 15th

State College of Florida Dual Enrollment Webpage: http://www.scf.edu/StudentServices/EducationalRecords/EarlyCollege/DualEnrollmentContactInformation.asp

Tallahassee Community College

Deadline for Summer 2015: April 6 – May 5

Deadline for Fall 2015: TBA

Tallahassee Community College Dual Enrollment Handbook: https://www.tcc.fl.edu/Future/TypeOfStudent/Documents/DualEnrollmentHandbook%202014-2015.pdf

Florida State Universities (in alphabetical order)

Florida A&M University (for Leon or Gadsden County residents only)

Deadline for Summer 2015: April 24 – May 4th

Deadline for Fall 2015: July 24th applications due/ August 24- 28 registration period.

Dual Enrollment info for Florida A&M: http://www.famu.edu/index.cfm?Registrar&DualEnrollment

Florida Atlantic University (for Palm Beach or Broward County residents only)

Deadline for Summer 2015: March 13

Deadline for Fall 2015: May 22

Dual enrollment info for Florida Atlantic University: http://www.fau.edu/registrar/dual-enrollment/

Florida Gulf Coast University (for Charlotte, Lee, Collier, Hendry or Glades county residents)

Deadline for Summer 2015: TBA

Deadline for Fall 2015: TBA

Dual enrollment info for Florida Gulf Coast University: http://www.fgcu.edu/Catalog/uadmissionsdetail.asp?FMID=Undergraduate+Admissions&page=7

Florida International University

Deadline for Summer 2015: TBA

Deadline for Fall 2015: TBA

Florida International University Dual Enrollment info: http://undergrad.fiu.edu/de/index.html

Florida Polytechnic University

Deadline for Summer 2015: May 8

Deadline for Fall 2015: August 21

Dual enrollment info for Florida Polytechnic: http://catalog.floridapolytechnic.org/content.php?catoid=2&navoid=149#Dual%20Enrollment

Florida State University

Deadline for Summer 2015:

Deadline for Fall 2015:

University of Central Florida

Deadline for Summer 2015: March 1st

Deadline for Fall 2015: May 1st

Dual enrollment info for University of Central Florida: https://admissions.ucf.edu/dual-enrollment-and-early-admission/

University of Florida

Deadline for Summer 2015: April 10th / May 22

Deadline for Fall 2015: July 15

Dual Enrollment info for University of Florida: http://www.cpet.ufl.edu/students/dce/instructions/

University of North Florida

Deadline for Summer 2015: May 4

Deadline for Fall 2015: August 7

University of North FL Dual Enrollment info: http://www.unf.edu/admissions/apply/Dual_Enrollment.aspx

University of South Florida

Deadline for Summer 2015: May 1st

Deadline for Fall 2015: August 1st

Dual enrollment info for University of South Florida: http://honors.usf.edu/dual_enrollment.html

University of West Florida

Deadline for Summer 2015:  June 1

Deadline for Fall 2015: June 1

Dual enrollment info University of West Florida: http://uwf.edu/admissions/undergraduate/applying-to-uwf/dual-enrollment/


Dual EnrollmentHow To

Lupe Tucker

I’m a homeschooling mother of five wonderful children. I began homeschooling in the state of Florida in 2005, and since then I’ve supported thousands of parents in their homeschool journey. I built and published HomeschoolingFlorida.com, a hub of informative articles that walk parents through many different aspects of homeschooling in Florida. I also founded several Facebook groups to help guide and connect parents: FLVS Homeschooling Parents (Flex) and Florida Homeschoolers Dual Enrolled. I am a Florida Certified Teacher and am licensed to do evaluations in all 67 counties in Florida. I hold a Master in Fine Arts degree in English – Creative Writing from the University of Florida. In addition to educating my own children, I’ve taught at the university, high school, middle school, and elementary levels. Other services I offer include one-on-one consulting via Zoom and by phone and high school transcript services. You can learn more about that by visiting my other website, www.HomeschoolTranscriptsFL.com Please let me know if you have any questions about evaluations or any other aspect of homeschooling in Florida. I am an expert in high school course planning, dual enrollment, college admissions, college admission essays, and Bright Futures. Most of all, I am your ally. I work for YOU, to equip you and encourage you as you help your children learn and grow. If you want to book a consultation, visit my appointment page: www.calendly.com/lupita-tucker

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