This page will explain the basic information regarding a portfolio evaluation.
In the state of Florida, one option that a parent has to complete their annual reporting requirement with the county is to have a certified teacher review the portfolio of the student to determine that the student is progressing according to his or her abilities.
Please keep in mind the following when opting for a homeschool portfolio evaluation:
- The portfolio evaluation does not assign a grade to the child, or a pass/fail.
- The portfolio evaluation sole purpose is to determine student PROGRESS, according to the student’s own ability.
- The evaluator is not required to look at or review the student’s reading list.
- The evaluator is required to have a conversation with the student, although it does not have to be in person.
- The evaluator, upon review of the portfolio should issue a statement in writing, signed, with their FL DOE certificate number, which states:
“I have reviewed the academic portfolio of the student named below, and according to FL Statute 1002.41, I have determined that he/she has made progress commensurate with his/her ability, and is ready to proceed to the next level.”
- Since the state of FL does not impose a set of curriculum standards for home educated children, in theory, the evaluator CANNOT require that a student have taken a particular subject. However, it is understood that math, language arts, reading/literature, science and social studies are considered core subjects and would be expected in a standard curriculum of study.
- The evaluator does not have to put a grade level in the evaluation statement, however if you plan on enrolling a homeschooled student in a public or private school, the evaluation serves as your proof of promotion, and therefore a grade level will be necessary.
- If a parent wishes to have a grade level put on the evaluation then they should be prepared to be required to demonstrate through a student’s portfolio of work that the required core subjects have been completed, in addition to demonstrating student progress.
my kids are with flvs. i would like them to take the fcats or stanford. anyone know how we’d do this?
I will give your homeschooling children the Stanford, or any other standardized test that you like: CCTucker 7 @ gmail .com (no spaces). To have your homeschooled children take the FCAT, call your local public school, around the beginning of January, and inform them that you would like for your registered homeschooling children to participate during FCAT testing time. Your children may be required to have her vaccinations.
When are annual evaluations due for Hillsborough County Home Education students?
Mona, in every county in the state of FL the evaluation is due by the anniversary date of your letter of intent. The county cannot impose a date by which all homeschooling parents must submit the evaluations. The state law states that the parent has one year from the date of their letter of intent to homeschool, and then every year after that the evaluation is due before the anniversary of the date of your letter of intent.