Homeschooling In FL

If children stay home and their parents (and/or tutors) educate them, the children will not learn to handle diverse situations, nor will they be able to relate well to different types of people and personalities.

That is SOOOOO NOT true!

Most parents (generally speaking) teach their children with true Love, to be polite, to follow their instructions, and to complete the assignments that they are given. It is probably obvious that the earlier the home education starts the better, though I must mention that the “party” habits and creepy social behavior learned and experienced in the schools will never be “missed” by your child if they never go to the schools. Also, of course, the bullying and abuse experienced at the schools, even by teachers (verbal mainly), will never happen if they do not go the schools.

{for simple & true answers to homeschooling in FL, & also for annual evaluations done easily, quickly and very economically ($25) I am a FL Dept. of Education certified teacher – exp. date: 6/30/16: CCTucker7@ gmail .com -no spaces of course – OR call: 786-525-3545 – cell C.C. Tucker}

YEA BUT, I could never educate my children! I am not a teacher! I barely graduated from high school!

If you think you can not, or you are not smart enough to educate your children, think again.

Now more than ever there are educational resources everywhere. And the materials, curriculum, etc. do not need to be specifically made for “home education.” What you think you do not know you can find and research, even with your children. That is one of the wonderful things about homeschooling to me; learning new things, often the old things being relearned for us, and learning “new” things with our children is a beautiful experience.

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