Taking the PERT Test for College Dual Enrollment
Our recent post on Dual Enrollment received a lot of positive feedback, and some parents had specific questions. One important question was about taking the PERT test.
Essentially, to be eligible to dual enroll your student must comply with the following:
- Fill out an application and pay the application fee
- Sign the Affidavit of Articulation form
- Verify through your county office that you are home educated. This means that you must be registered as a homeschooled student through your county school district.
- Have a 3.0 unweighted GPA (via an official transcript provided by the parent)
- Have a passing score on the SAT, ACT, or PERT test. In some counties the CPT is also accepted.

This blog post is going to deal exclusively with preparing for and taking the PERT test.
Here are the nuts and bolts of the PERT in a quick slide show presentation. All the links in the slideshow are found farther below in this blog post.
Taking the PERT Test
The PERT test (which stands for Postsecondary Education Readiness Test) is the easiest way to get the test scores your student needs to be accepted as a dual enrolled student.
Although some students will already have SAT or ACT scores, if you don’t have these, there is no need to panic. The PERT test can be taken at any time. Depending on which college your child plans to attend, some colleges administer the test on demand (with a reservation), and others schedule the PERT regularly. Some high schools also administer the PERT. The SAT and ACT are only administered a few times per year.
The best part about the PERT is that it is FREE. The initial test is free, and if you need to retake it the fee is $10 – $15. That is less expensive than the $38 – $55 it can cost to take the SAT or ACT.
Preparing for the PERT
There are numerous ways to prepare for the PERT, some are free, and others are not. Whether you need to spend money on preparing for the PERT depends on you, below you will find several resources to fit every budget.
Free PERT study guides:
McCann/College Success Study Guide: https://college.measuredsuccess.com/mscollege/help_resources/P.E.R.T_Study_Guide.pdf
St. Petersburg College PERT Review Guides:
Reading practice: http://www.spcollege.edu/uploadedFiles/Admissions/Placement_Test/reading.pdf
Writing practice: http://www.spcollege.edu/uploadedFiles/Admissions/Placement_Test/sentence1.pdf
Mathematics practice: http://www.spcollege.edu/uploadedFiles/Admissions/Placement_Test/Arith1.pdf
Algebra practice: http://www.spcollege.edu/uploadedFiles/Admissions/Placement_Test/Algebra1.pdf
St. Petersburg College Readiness Online Study & Practice Test: http://www.spcollege.edu/ready/
Florida State College at Jacksonville PERT Math Study Guide: http://wchs.pasco.k12.fl.us/wp-content/uploads/wchs/2012/01/pert-math-study-guide-1.pdf
Valencia College PERT study guides:
PERT Reading review guide: http://valenciacollege.edu/assessments/documents/cpt-Reading-review.pdf
PERT Writing review guide: http://valenciacollege.edu/assessments/documents/cpt-English-Review.pdf
PERT Mathematics review guide: http://valenciacollege.edu/assessments/pert/documents/PERTbooklet.pdf
Free PERT Review Videos:
Free PERT Practice Tests:
College Success: https://college.measuredsuccess.com/mscollege/practiceTest2/
Indian River State College PERT Practice Test: http://www.irsc.edu/Videos/PERT-Module/player.html
I Hate Math PERT Practice Test 1: http://perttest.webstarts.com/pert_quiz_1.html
I Hate Math PERT Practice Test 2: http://perttest.webstarts.com/pert_quiz_2.html
Proprofs PERT practive: http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=pert-practice-test
Indian River State College PERT Practice Questions: https://www.irsc.edu/uploadedFiles/Admissions/AssessmentServices/PERT-Practice-Test.pdf
McCann Testing PERT Practice Tests ($2.50 each): http://www.mccanntesting.com/by-industry/education/pert-prep/
PERT Test Prep Guides & Practice Test Books: