What Do I Do To Get Started Homeschooling? Is It Difficult?

Nooooo! Homeschooling is NOT difficult. We are hard on ourselves as teaching parents. Yes, we always feel like we can do more and we may be behind, sure. But it is an absolute joy to learn, and re-learn academics with our children. How many classroom teachers finish their “text” book by the end of the year? NONE!! EVER!

What an Awesome and Empowering event! You will be SOOO happy that you made the “leap” into homeschooling. It is becoming not just a trend, but a norm. Schools? Are you kidding? My children? NO WAY!

How many classroom teachers are using a NEW curriculum & text book this year, and aren’t even caught up with it, much less ahead of their students in the text book?? Almost ALL of the classroom teachers are “flying by the seat of their pants” or worse; buried. Will they admit they don’t know an answer? Rarely.

In Florida, we have to inform the state/county that we are homeschooling our child. This is done with a simple Letter of Intent (to Homeschool). We tell the state, with a letter to the county (in which we live) school board, home education office, what our child’s name is, address is and date of birth, and that we are now homeschooling. That’s it!!


We are FREE!!! No more FCAT required !!!! NO Sunshine State Standards anymore! No more TEACHING TO The TEST!! NO bullying! No more cafeteria junk food! NO more fake awards for NOTHING! No more neglect! No more emotional abuse! No more drugs!


HELLO Real Education! Real Rewards! Quality Time with our children!!

YES we care! YES WE CAN & we will!


One thought on “What Do I Do To Get Started Homeschooling? Is It Difficult?

  • Grandma Ruth

    I am a newby exploring Homeschooling for my 6 yr old grandaughter. So happy to have discovered this Florida Homeschooling site!
    The sentiments expressed in this blog express my feelings exactly!! No more FCAT! No more Bullying! No more cafeteria antics!! Instead .. real learning, real life, real family.
    So far, I have found many wonderful resources online. Still looking to connect with Christian homeschooling families, for fellowship and support.
    Wondering … any other Grandma’s in charge of homeschooling out there??
    Thanks for this CURRENT blog and resource site!!


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