Why Homeschool?
I have done some more time facilitating learning in our country’s government educational system – in a public elementary school & a junior high school/middle school. What sad places these are to send our children.
Generally speaking, it seems that the people making the decisions of how to conduct “business” in the schools, and the personnel conducting the “business” of shaping the children’s lives that attend these government institutions, seem to think they are the “professionals/experts” that know how the children’s lives should be shaped and directed. And these “professional/experts” obviously appear to think that the parents of the children don’t really know anything about how their children’s lives need to be shaped and directed. At least, these “professional educators/experts and administrators,” government institutional employees’ actions show that they think know sooo much better than the children’s parents. And most of these government educators and school/district administrators are quite confident about saying, and showing with their actions that they know way more and better than their clients’ parents.
Please forgive me for dragging on with the simple point that I know that the schools and their administrators are public servants, conducting a public service. To be even the slightest bit successful and productive in the public service of education they must be extremely involved, and engaged in communication with, and seeking direction from, the parents about their children!! But their attitude, generally speaking, seems to be the exact opposite of what is necessary to succeed with serving the public in the “business of education” and leading our children correctly and productively.
First of all, it’s not really a “business,” and shouldn’t be thought of as such. It is a public service. Serving by helping the public with guiding and facilitating education with their children. These are children’s lives and our communities’ future generations of goals, endeavors, attitudes and personalities they are effecting, leading and shaping.
This brings me to one of the biggest and deepest problems I always have experienced in my 18 years as an approved, professional educator working within this system, in public and private schools; most of the classroom personnel don’t speak, much less act, as though they know the power they have to build, or tear down these growing children’s esteem, personalities, dreams, hopes, goals, characters, etc. Most of the personnel in the classrooms of our schools simply don’t have the gift of teaching, much less even the gift of hospitality. It is sad.
Homeschool please>>> http://www.homeschool-evaluations.com/