North East FL Homeschoolers – Don’t miss the HERI convention!
Mark your calendars to attend the annual HERI convention, June 28 & 29, 2013. It’s fun for the whole family!
You will find other homeschool families from throughout Florida’s First Coast, all enjoying informative workshops, curriculum vendors, special events, and tons of ideas for your homeschool!
Guest Speakers: Joe & Zan Tyler & Dr. Stephen Guffanti
Workshop topics include: homeschooling, portfolios, special needs, high school, dual enrollment.
Plus, Curriculum Hall packed with exhibitors!
Presenting this year, the H.E.R.I. Student Entrepreneur Showcase!
Let your “rising star” shine
As a way to promote & encourage students, H.E.R.I. is providing a forum for young homeschooled entrepreneurs.
If your student is interested in showcasing their business and mingling with other exhibitors in the vendor hall, there will be a display area reserved.
Friday space rental for one booth area is $15 for 3 hours.
Saturday space rental for one booth area is $20 for 4 hours.
Entrepreneur Booth space times will be:

Friday 9am – 12pm, 12-3pm, 3-6pm
Saturday 9am-1pm, 1-5pm
For more information & registration contact Shari Sleeper [email protected].
Family for both days (parents, 1 set grandparent, and kids)
$17 pre-register
$27 at the door
$32 pre-register
$42 at the door
Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center
1000 Water Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204
(Prime Osborn Parking is FREE to H.E.R.I. Convention Attendees)
Convention Hall Opening
Friday: 9am – 6pm
Saturday: 9am – 5pm
Workshops Daily – Beginning Times
Friday: 10:00 am
Saturday: 9:30 am
North East FL Homeschoolers – Don’t miss the HERI convention! #heri #herijax #homeschoolingfl